Hello World - starting a blog


Hello World!

Greetings and welcome to the my blog!. I am Joan, a software engineer and blockchain enthusiast. I am passionate about building decentralized applications (dApps) that are secure, transparent, and open to all. One of the best use cases in my opinion, is payments.

This blog is a place where I will share my knowledge and experience with the community.

Unlocking New Possibilities

With crypto, one can not only invest in the latest dog-coin, or buy a piece of a digital rock, but also build a new generation of applications that are more inclusive, transparent and secure. At Decaf, we're doing just that.

Imagine a world where anyone can send money to anyone else, anywhere in the world, instantly and at a low cost, where anyone can participate. Offramping to cash in the local currency? no problem.

Solana: Building Scalable and User-Friendly dApps

Solana has emerged as a leading blockchain platform, offering unrivaled scalability, high throughput, and low fees. If you're eager to build next-generation dApps that can handle a massive volume of transactions, Solana is the perfect playground for you.

In our upcoming guides, we won't talk about the basics, since there's a lot of resources out there that cover these. Instead, I'm going to focus more on the nitty-gritty details of building dApps on Solana, including how to create a wallet, how to send and receive transactions, and how to build a swap. In addition, I'll provide a mobile app starter framework built on React Native and TypeScript, so you can hit the ground running.

Stellar: Empowering Cross-Border Payments and More

Stellar, on the other hand, shines as a versatile blockchain platform, focused on cross-border payments and token issuance. Its lightning-fast transaction processing and built-in decentralized exchange capabilities make it a preferred choice for financial applications.

Stay tuned as we uncover the potential of Stellar in our future guides. We'll also go through the process of creating a wallet, sending and receiving transactions, and building a swap on Stellar. We'll also explore and build a swap and sponsored transactions, to provide a better user experience. We'll also go through the process of integrating a cash offramp with Moneygram in Typescript.

New Guides on the Horizon

This is just the beginning of our Web3 journey together. We have an exciting roadmap ahead, packed with new guides, tutorials, and examples to empower you in your Web3 endeavors.

Join Our Community

I invite you to join our growing community of developers, blockchain enthusiasts, and innovators. Follow Decaf on Twitter, join Decaf's Discord server and subscribe to my newsletter to receive the latest updates on new guides, announcements, and opportunities to collaborate.

At Decaf, we're dedicated to fostering a supportive and inclusive environment where ideas are shared, questions are answered, and breakthroughs are made.

Stay tuned and stay caffeinated ☕